Final Bulletin (1 Dec. 2016)
Travel information
The information on access to Morioka can be found at
The conference venue,Aiina and MALIOS are located near Morioka Station.
Program and information for conveners

The workshop program, including rooms for each session, can be found at https://agenda.linearcollider.org/event/7371/ Parallel session rooms will be provided with a screen and a projector, but without a computer for making presentations. The parallel session conveners are requested to individually arrange the computer(s) for presentations, The conveners are responsible for overseeing the uploading of presentation materials to the Indico site, as well as for posting the URL for the Vidyo connection to the Indico. Speaker-phones for Vidyo meetings will be prepared if requested in advance.
The on-site registration
4 Dec. 18:30 - 20:00 Aiina, 701
5 Dec. 8:30 - 9:00 Aiina, at the reception desk specially prepared in front of Odashimagumi Hall
After 9:00 5 Dec. Aiina, 701
Because there is only a short time (30 min) for registration on the morning of 5 Dec,
we strongly recommend participants to come to the registration desk in the evening of 4 Dec. to prevent long lines and confusion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Wifi service
Wifi service will be provided for the participants in both venues, Aiina and MALIOS.
The instruction documents for the wifi connection can be found in the conference bag.
Special Food Request
The LCWS2016 banquet will be held on Wednesday, 7 Dec. starting from 19:00, at the Hotel Metropolitan New Wing (a few minutes walk from the workshop venue). Also, you will receive a lunchbox on Friday, 9 Dec. If there is any food or beverage which you cannot consume, please let us know (mail to:lcws2016@iwate-u.ac.jp) immediately. We will try to accommodate your special needs.
Second Bulletin
The evolving time table of the workshop can be found at
We will have an industrial session on Tuesday, 17:00-18:30,
followed by a Networking event with attendees from companies.
(Drinks and snacks will be served)
The detailed program of the industrial session will appear soon.
Special Food Request
The LCWS2016 banquet will be held on Wednesday, 7 Dec. starting from 19:00, at the
Hotel Metropolitan New Wing (a few minutes walk from the workshop venue).
Also, you will receive a lunchbox on Friday, 9 Dec.
If there is any food or beverage which you cannot consume,
please let us know
as soon as possible.
We will try to accommodate your special needs.
An excursion is planned to visit the ILC candidate site and the surrounding areas.
The detailed schedule can be found at
After the the candidate site visit, the buses will first go to
Ichinoseki Station (the nearest Shinkansen station from the site)
then will go back to Morioka. You can get off the bus at Ichinoseki Station if you wish to and from there you can go to Tokyo by Shinkansen.
First bulletin
Welcome to the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders
The 2016 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2016) will be held 05-09 December 2016 at the Aiina Center & MALIOS in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. LCWS2016 is organized by the linear collider collaboration (LCC). The workshop will be devoted to the study of the physics cases for future high energy linear electron positron colliders, taking into account the recent results from LHC, and to review the progress in the detector and accelerator design for both the ILC and CLIC projects. Being organized at a critical time for the ILC project development in Japan, we hope very much to have as many participants as possible in Morioka and boost the movement towards realizing the ILC in Japan.
Workshop webpage: http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp/
Workshop organizers: http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp/Committees.html
Workshop Program
'Preliminary timeline’
1. The approximate time is listed for each slot.
2. The Monday plenary just after lunch may be swapped with a parallel session from the same time slot on Tue, Wed, or Thurs.
The workshop program consists of plenary and parallel sessions which cover accelerator, physics, detector R&D's and detector concepts for future linear colliders. The conceptual time table is shown in:
The conveners of the parallel sessions are listed in:
Below are some special events we hope you will enjoy.
• 5 December (Evening): welcome reception, at the Hotel Metropolitan Morioka Honkan
• 7 December (Evening): workshop banquet, at the Hotel Metropolitan Morioka New Wing
• 9 December: excursion to the ILC candidate site
Please be aware of the following important dates
• Online Registration Deadline 20 November
(after this date, please register on-site)
Registration and Hotel Booking
If you would like to benefit from the early registration fee (40,000 yen), please register and complete payment before 7, November 2016. The regular fee after this date is 45,000 yen. Only payment by credit card is accepted. The fee includes drinks, snacks, reception, and bus transportation. On-site registration is also possible upon your arrival. Please note that there is no refund once you have completed your payment for registration. The registration, hotel booking, and payment are handled by Japan Travel Bureau (JTB). During the registration process, you will be able to acquire a JTB account (get Login-ID) in order to register to the meeting, book accommodations and make payments. We recommend you take one of the hotels listed on the registration web site. http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp/Registration.html. Please contact the local organizers if you need any assistance. Please check the above-mentioned website for cancellation policies for hotel booking.
Access to Morioka
It is fairly convenient to reach Morioka by bullet train (“Shinkansen”) from Tokyo Station, which is directly accessible from either Narita or Haneda International Airport. Detailed information on transportation and ticket purchasing, including frequently asked questions, can be found in http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp/Howtoreach.html The conference site is located in a very convenient spot within a 2-3 minutes walk from Morioka Station. http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp/Venue.html
For further information on Iwate and the ILC, please visit http://www.iwate-ilc.jp/eng/lcws2016/